path: root/wsl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wsl')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/wsl/.config/zsh/.zshrc.d/99-wsl.zsh b/wsl/.config/zsh/.zshrc.d/99-wsl.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5550aae..0000000
--- a/wsl/.config/zsh/.zshrc.d/99-wsl.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-alias wsl='/mnt/c/Windows/system32/wsl.exe'
-alias powershell.exe='/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe'
-alias pwsh.exe='/mnt/c/Program Files/PowerShell/7/pwsh.exe'
-alias winget='/mnt/c/Users/tobyv/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/winget.exe'
-alias scoop='/mnt/c/Users/tobyv/scoop/shims/scoop'
-zvm_vi_yank () {
- zvm_yank
- printf %s "${CUTBUFFER}" | win32yank.exe -i
- zvm_exit_visual_mode
-zvm_vi_put_after () {
- local head= foot=
- local content=$(win32yank.exe -o)
- local offset=1
- if [[ ${content: -1} == $'\n' ]]
- then
- local pos=${CURSOR}
- for ((; $pos<$#BUFFER; pos++)) do
- if [[ ${BUFFER:$pos:1} == $'\n' ]]
- then
- pos=$pos+1
- break
- fi
- done
- if zvm_is_empty_line
- then
- head=${BUFFER:0:$pos}
- foot=${BUFFER:$pos}
- else
- head=${BUFFER:0:$pos}
- foot=${BUFFER:$pos}
- if [[ $pos == $#BUFFER ]]
- then
- content=$'\n'${content:0:-1}
- pos=$pos+1
- fi
- fi
- offset=0
- BUFFER="${head}${content}${foot}"
- CURSOR=$pos
- else
- if zvm_is_empty_line
- then
- head="${BUFFER:0:$((CURSOR-1))}"
- foot="${BUFFER:$CURSOR}"
- else
- head="${BUFFER:0:$CURSOR}"
- foot="${BUFFER:$((CURSOR+1))}"
- fi
- BUFFER="${head}${BUFFER:$CURSOR:1}${content}${foot}"
- CURSOR=$CURSOR+$#content
- fi
- zvm_highlight clear
- zvm_highlight custom $(($#head+$offset)) $(($#head+$#content+$offset))
diff --git a/wsl/.local/bin/mkln.sh b/wsl/.local/bin/mkln.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 93f78d6..0000000
--- a/wsl/.local/bin/mkln.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-SCRIPT="$(basename "$0")"
-eval set -- "$(getopt -o $short -l $long -n "$SCRIPT" -- "$@")"
-help() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Toby Vincent <tobyv13@gmail.com>
- Creates symbolic links (for files) or junctions (for directories) from the
- windows filesystem to the WSL2 instance using mklink.exe.
- -h, --help Show this message
- -v, --verbose Show more output
- -q, --quiet Suppress all output
- -f, --force Overwrite items
- -n, --dry-run Write output of commands with running them.
- SOURCE (required)
- Path to the source file or directory the link should point to.
- TARGET (optional)
- Path to the location to create the link. [Default: $PWD]
-say() {
- if ! $quiet; then
- printf "%s: %s\n" "$SCRIPT" "$@"
- fi
-say_verbose() {
- if $verbose; then
- say "$@"
- fi
-say_err() {
- say "$@" >&2
-err() {
- # shellcheck disable=SC2145
- say_err "ERROR: $@"
- exit 1
-err_help() {
- help
- err "$*"
-need() {
- for cmd in "$@"; do
- if ! command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- err "need $cmd (command not found)"
- fi
- done
-while true; do
- case "$1" in
- -h | --help)
- help
- exit 0
- ;;
- -v | --verbose)
- verbose=true
- shift
- ;;
- -q | --quiet)
- quiet=true
- shift
- ;;
- -f | --force)
- force=true
- shift
- ;;
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
- *)
- break
- ;;
- esac
-need powershell.exe
-need realpath
-case "$#" in
-0) err_help "must provide at least 1 argument" ;;
- src="$1"
- trg="$PWD"
- shift
- ;;
- src="$1"
- trg="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
-*) err_help "too many arguments" ;;
-while test -L "$src"; do
- tmp="$src"
- src=$(realpath "$src")
- say_verbose "resolved symbolic link $tmp -> $src"
-if ! test -e "$src"; then
- err "$src does not exist."
-if test -d "$src"; then
- say_verbose "$src is a directory. Switching to directory symbolic link."
- args='/D'
-trg_name=$(basename "$trg")
-trg_dir=$(dirname "$trg")
-say_verbose "linking $src -> $trg"
-if ! test -d "$trg_dir"; then
- mkdir -p "$trg_dir"
- say_verbose "created directory $trg_dir"
-win_src=$(wslpath -w "$src")
-win_trg=$(wslpath -w "$trg_dir")\\"$trg_name"
-# UNC\wsl$\Arch\home\tobyv\.dotfiles\alacritty\.config\alacritty\alacritty.yml
-# \\wsl.localhost\Arch\home\tobyv\.dotfiles\alacritty\.config\alacritty\alacritty.yml
-existing="$(powershell.exe "(Get-Item $win_trg).FullName" 2>/dev/null)"
-if test "$existing" != ''; then
- if $force; then
- say_verbose "$win_trg already exists. Overwriting."
- rm -rf "$trg"
- else
- err "$win_trg already exists."
- fi
-powershell.exe "cd ~; cmd /c mklink $args $win_trg $win_src"
diff --git a/wsl/.local/share/applications/wslview.desktop b/wsl/.local/share/applications/wslview.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index d917502..0000000
--- a/wsl/.local/share/applications/wslview.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-GenericName=Web Browser
-Comment=Open files using Windows start.exe from WSL2
-Exec=/usr/sbin/wslview %u
diff --git a/wsl/install.sh b/wsl/install.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index be0fc95..0000000
--- a/wsl/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# shellcheck disable=1003
-WINHOME="$(wslpath 'C:\Users\'"${USER}")"
-# link WINHOME
-ln -sfn "$WINHOME" ~/win
-# link win binaries
-ln -sf "$(wslpath 'C:\Windows\system32\wsl.exe')" ~/.local/bin/wsl.exe
-ln -sf "$(wslpath 'C:\Windows\system32\clip.exe')" ~/.local/bin/clip.exe
-ln -sf "$(wslpath 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe')" ~/.local/bin/powershell.exe
-ln -sf "$(wslpath 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe')" ~/.local/bin/pwsh.exe
-ln -sf "$(wslpath 'C:\Users\tobyv\AppData\Local\wsl-notify-send\wsl-notify-send.exe')" ~/.local/bin/notify-send
-# Create windows symlinks to dotfiles
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.ssh/config "${WINHOME}"/.ssh/config
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/git/config "${WINHOME}"/.gitconfig
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.gnupg/gpg.conf "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/gnupg/gpg.conf
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.gnupg/scdaemon.conf "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/gnupg/scdaemon.conf
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua "${WINHOME}"/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/alacritty/alacritty.yml
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/yt-dlp/config "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/yt-dlp/config
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/mpv/mpv.conf "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/mpv/mpv.conf
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/mpv/input.conf "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/mpv/input.conf
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/streamlink/config "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/streamlink/config
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/streamlink/config.twitch "${WINHOME}"/AppData/Roaming/streamlink/config.twitch
-mkln.sh "$@" "$HOME"/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc "${WINHOME}"/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc
-for f in "$HOME"/.config/alacritty/*; do
- case "$f" in
- *shell.yml) echo "Skipping $f" ;;
- *) mkln.sh "$@" "$f" "${WINHOME}"/.config/alacritty/"$(basename "$f")" ;;
- esac