path: root/
diff options
authorNeil Kollack <>2021-09-28 14:27:45 -0500
committerNeil Kollack <>2021-09-28 14:27:45 -0500
commitdd3dda9dcbb6bff01d066925757ec944621dc704 (patch)
tree3b30a7c4973892c78a4f215e92ac6426f9e7fc5d /
parent41406c7ff0ff96998978e520f5c1a1f3874c3bd4 (diff)
intial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 684 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..740451d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+# ---------
+# Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for
+# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
+# solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
+# attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to
+# Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley.
+# The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero
+# ( and Dan Klein (
+# Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and
+# Pieter Abbeel (
+""" holds the logic for the classic pacman game along with the main
+code to run a game. This file is divided into three sections:
+ (i) Your interface to the pacman world:
+ Pacman is a complex environment. You probably don't want to
+ read through all of the code we wrote to make the game runs
+ correctly. This section contains the parts of the code
+ that you will need to understand in order to complete the
+ project. There is also some code in that you should
+ understand.
+ (ii) The hidden secrets of pacman:
+ This section contains all of the logic code that the pacman
+ environment uses to decide who can move where, who dies when
+ things collide, etc. You shouldn't need to read this section
+ of code, but you can if you want.
+ (iii) Framework to start a game:
+ The final section contains the code for reading the command
+ you use to set up the game, then starting up a new game, along with
+ linking in all the external parts (agent functions, graphics).
+ Check this section out to see all the options available to you.
+To play your first game, type 'python' from the command line.
+The keys are 'a', 's', 'd', and 'w' to move (or arrow keys). Have fun!
+from game import GameStateData
+from game import Game
+from game import Directions
+from game import Actions
+from util import nearestPoint
+from util import manhattanDistance
+import util, layout
+import sys, types, time, random, os
+class GameState:
+ """
+ A GameState specifies the full game state, including the food, capsules,
+ agent configurations and score changes.
+ GameStates are used by the Game object to capture the actual state of the game and
+ can be used by agents to reason about the game.
+ Much of the information in a GameState is stored in a GameStateData object. We
+ strongly suggest that you access that data via the accessor methods below rather
+ than referring to the GameStateData object directly.
+ Note that in classic Pacman, Pacman is always agent 0.
+ """
+ ####################################################
+ # Accessor methods: use these to access state data #
+ ####################################################
+ # static variable keeps track of which states have had getLegalActions called
+ explored = set()
+ def getAndResetExplored():
+ tmp = GameState.explored.copy()
+ GameState.explored = set()
+ return tmp
+ getAndResetExplored = staticmethod(getAndResetExplored)
+ def getLegalActions( self, agentIndex=0 ):
+ """
+ Returns the legal actions for the agent specified.
+ """
+# GameState.explored.add(self)
+ if self.isWin() or self.isLose(): return []
+ if agentIndex == 0: # Pacman is moving
+ return PacmanRules.getLegalActions( self )
+ else:
+ return GhostRules.getLegalActions( self, agentIndex )
+ def generateSuccessor( self, agentIndex, action):
+ """
+ Returns the successor state after the specified agent takes the action.
+ """
+ # Check that successors exist
+ if self.isWin() or self.isLose(): raise Exception('Can\'t generate a successor of a terminal state.')
+ # Copy current state
+ state = GameState(self)
+ # Let agent's logic deal with its action's effects on the board
+ if agentIndex == 0: # Pacman is moving
+ = [False for i in range(state.getNumAgents())]
+ PacmanRules.applyAction( state, action )
+ else: # A ghost is moving
+ GhostRules.applyAction( state, action, agentIndex )
+ # Time passes
+ if agentIndex == 0:
+ += -TIME_PENALTY # Penalty for waiting around
+ else:
+ GhostRules.decrementTimer([agentIndex] )
+ # Resolve multi-agent effects
+ GhostRules.checkDeath( state, agentIndex )
+ # Book keeping
+ = agentIndex
+ +=
+ GameState.explored.add(self)
+ GameState.explored.add(state)
+ return state
+ def getLegalPacmanActions( self ):
+ return self.getLegalActions( 0 )
+ def generatePacmanSuccessor( self, action ):
+ """
+ Generates the successor state after the specified pacman move
+ """
+ return self.generateSuccessor( 0, action )
+ def getPacmanState( self ):
+ """
+ Returns an AgentState object for pacman (in
+ state.pos gives the current position
+ state.direction gives the travel vector
+ """
+ return[0].copy()
+ def getPacmanPosition( self ):
+ return[0].getPosition()
+ def getGhostStates( self ):
+ return[1:]
+ def getGhostState( self, agentIndex ):
+ if agentIndex == 0 or agentIndex >= self.getNumAgents():
+ raise Exception("Invalid index passed to getGhostState")
+ return[agentIndex]
+ def getGhostPosition( self, agentIndex ):
+ if agentIndex == 0:
+ raise Exception("Pacman's index passed to getGhostPosition")
+ return[agentIndex].getPosition()
+ def getGhostPositions(self):
+ return [s.getPosition() for s in self.getGhostStates()]
+ def getNumAgents( self ):
+ return len( )
+ def getScore( self ):
+ return float(
+ def getCapsules(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of positions (x,y) of the remaining capsules.
+ """
+ return
+ def getNumFood( self ):
+ return
+ def getFood(self):
+ """
+ Returns a Grid of boolean food indicator variables.
+ Grids can be accessed via list notation, so to check
+ if there is food at (x,y), just call
+ currentFood = state.getFood()
+ if currentFood[x][y] == True: ...
+ """
+ return
+ def getWalls(self):
+ """
+ Returns a Grid of boolean wall indicator variables.
+ Grids can be accessed via list notation, so to check
+ if there is a wall at (x,y), just call
+ walls = state.getWalls()
+ if walls[x][y] == True: ...
+ """
+ return
+ def hasFood(self, x, y):
+ return[x][y]
+ def hasWall(self, x, y):
+ return[x][y]
+ def isLose( self ):
+ return
+ def isWin( self ):
+ return
+ #############################################
+ # Helper methods: #
+ # You shouldn't need to call these directly #
+ #############################################
+ def __init__( self, prevState = None ):
+ """
+ Generates a new state by copying information from its predecessor.
+ """
+ if prevState != None: # Initial state
+ = GameStateData(
+ else:
+ = GameStateData()
+ def deepCopy( self ):
+ state = GameState( self )
+ =
+ return state
+ def __eq__( self, other ):
+ """
+ Allows two states to be compared.
+ """
+ return hasattr(other, 'data') and ==
+ def __hash__( self ):
+ """
+ Allows states to be keys of dictionaries.
+ """
+ return hash( )
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return str(
+ def initialize( self, layout, numGhostAgents=1000 ):
+ """
+ Creates an initial game state from a layout array (see
+ """
+, numGhostAgents)
+# #
+# You shouldn't need to look through the code in this section of the file. #
+SCARED_TIME = 40 # Moves ghosts are scared
+COLLISION_TOLERANCE = 0.7 # How close ghosts must be to Pacman to kill
+TIME_PENALTY = 1 # Number of points lost each round
+class ClassicGameRules:
+ """
+ These game rules manage the control flow of a game, deciding when
+ and how the game starts and ends.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, timeout=30):
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ def newGame( self, layout, pacmanAgent, ghostAgents, display, quiet = False, catchExceptions=False):
+ agents = [pacmanAgent] + ghostAgents[:layout.getNumGhosts()]
+ initState = GameState()
+ initState.initialize( layout, len(ghostAgents) )
+ game = Game(agents, display, self, catchExceptions=catchExceptions)
+ game.state = initState
+ self.initialState = initState.deepCopy()
+ self.quiet = quiet
+ return game
+ def process(self, state, game):
+ """
+ Checks to see whether it is time to end the game.
+ """
+ if state.isWin():, game)
+ if state.isLose(): self.lose(state, game)
+ def win( self, state, game ):
+ if not self.quiet: print "Pacman emerges victorious! Score: %d" %
+ game.gameOver = True
+ def lose( self, state, game ):
+ if not self.quiet: print "Pacman died! Score: %d" %
+ game.gameOver = True
+ def getProgress(self, game):
+ return float(game.state.getNumFood()) / self.initialState.getNumFood()
+ def agentCrash(self, game, agentIndex):
+ if agentIndex == 0:
+ print "Pacman crashed"
+ else:
+ print "A ghost crashed"
+ def getMaxTotalTime(self, agentIndex):
+ return self.timeout
+ def getMaxStartupTime(self, agentIndex):
+ return self.timeout
+ def getMoveWarningTime(self, agentIndex):
+ return self.timeout
+ def getMoveTimeout(self, agentIndex):
+ return self.timeout
+ def getMaxTimeWarnings(self, agentIndex):
+ return 0
+class PacmanRules:
+ """
+ These functions govern how pacman interacts with his environment under
+ the classic game rules.
+ """
+ def getLegalActions( state ):
+ """
+ Returns a list of possible actions.
+ """
+ return Actions.getPossibleActions( state.getPacmanState().configuration, )
+ getLegalActions = staticmethod( getLegalActions )
+ def applyAction( state, action ):
+ """
+ Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
+ """
+ legal = PacmanRules.getLegalActions( state )
+ if action not in legal:
+ raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))
+ pacmanState =[0]
+ # Update Configuration
+ vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, PacmanRules.PACMAN_SPEED )
+ pacmanState.configuration = pacmanState.configuration.generateSuccessor( vector )
+ # Eat
+ next = pacmanState.configuration.getPosition()
+ nearest = nearestPoint( next )
+ if manhattanDistance( nearest, next ) <= 0.5 :
+ # Remove food
+ PacmanRules.consume( nearest, state )
+ applyAction = staticmethod( applyAction )
+ def consume( position, state ):
+ x,y = position
+ # Eat food
+ if[x][y]:
+ += 10
+ =
+[x][y] = False
+ = position
+ # TODO: cache numFood?
+ numFood = state.getNumFood()
+ if numFood == 0 and not
+ += 500
+ = True
+ # Eat capsule
+ if( position in state.getCapsules() ):
+ position )
+ = position
+ # Reset all ghosts' scared timers
+ for index in range( 1, len( ) ):
+[index].scaredTimer = SCARED_TIME
+ consume = staticmethod( consume )
+class GhostRules:
+ """
+ These functions dictate how ghosts interact with their environment.
+ """
+ def getLegalActions( state, ghostIndex ):
+ """
+ Ghosts cannot stop, and cannot turn around unless they
+ reach a dead end, but can turn 90 degrees at intersections.
+ """
+ conf = state.getGhostState( ghostIndex ).configuration
+ possibleActions = Actions.getPossibleActions( conf, )
+ reverse = Actions.reverseDirection( conf.direction )
+ if Directions.STOP in possibleActions:
+ possibleActions.remove( Directions.STOP )
+ if reverse in possibleActions and len( possibleActions ) > 1:
+ possibleActions.remove( reverse )
+ return possibleActions
+ getLegalActions = staticmethod( getLegalActions )
+ def applyAction( state, action, ghostIndex):
+ legal = GhostRules.getLegalActions( state, ghostIndex )
+ if action not in legal:
+ raise Exception("Illegal ghost action " + str(action))
+ ghostState =[ghostIndex]
+ speed = GhostRules.GHOST_SPEED
+ if ghostState.scaredTimer > 0: speed /= 2.0
+ vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, speed )
+ ghostState.configuration = ghostState.configuration.generateSuccessor( vector )
+ applyAction = staticmethod( applyAction )
+ def decrementTimer( ghostState):
+ timer = ghostState.scaredTimer
+ if timer == 1:
+ ghostState.configuration.pos = nearestPoint( ghostState.configuration.pos )
+ ghostState.scaredTimer = max( 0, timer - 1 )
+ decrementTimer = staticmethod( decrementTimer )
+ def checkDeath( state, agentIndex):
+ pacmanPosition = state.getPacmanPosition()
+ if agentIndex == 0: # Pacman just moved; Anyone can kill him
+ for index in range( 1, len( ) ):
+ ghostState =[index]
+ ghostPosition = ghostState.configuration.getPosition()
+ if GhostRules.canKill( pacmanPosition, ghostPosition ):
+ GhostRules.collide( state, ghostState, index )
+ else:
+ ghostState =[agentIndex]
+ ghostPosition = ghostState.configuration.getPosition()
+ if GhostRules.canKill( pacmanPosition, ghostPosition ):
+ GhostRules.collide( state, ghostState, agentIndex )
+ checkDeath = staticmethod( checkDeath )
+ def collide( state, ghostState, agentIndex):
+ if ghostState.scaredTimer > 0:
+ += 200
+ GhostRules.placeGhost(state, ghostState)
+ ghostState.scaredTimer = 0
+ # Added for first-person
+[agentIndex] = True
+ else:
+ if not
+ -= 500
+ = True
+ collide = staticmethod( collide )
+ def canKill( pacmanPosition, ghostPosition ):
+ return manhattanDistance( ghostPosition, pacmanPosition ) <= COLLISION_TOLERANCE
+ canKill = staticmethod( canKill )
+ def placeGhost(state, ghostState):
+ ghostState.configuration = ghostState.start
+ placeGhost = staticmethod( placeGhost )
+def default(str):
+ return str + ' [Default: %default]'
+def parseAgentArgs(str):
+ if str == None: return {}
+ pieces = str.split(',')
+ opts = {}
+ for p in pieces:
+ if '=' in p:
+ key, val = p.split('=')
+ else:
+ key,val = p, 1
+ opts[key] = val
+ return opts
+def readCommand( argv ):
+ """
+ Processes the command used to run pacman from the command line.
+ """
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ usageStr = """
+ USAGE: python <options>
+ EXAMPLES: (1) python
+ - starts an interactive game
+ (2) python --layout smallClassic --zoom 2
+ OR python -l smallClassic -z 2
+ - starts an interactive game on a smaller board, zoomed in
+ """
+ parser = OptionParser(usageStr)
+ parser.add_option('-n', '--numGames', dest='numGames', type='int',
+ help=default('the number of GAMES to play'), metavar='GAMES', default=1)
+ parser.add_option('-l', '--layout', dest='layout',
+ help=default('the LAYOUT_FILE from which to load the map layout'),
+ metavar='LAYOUT_FILE', default='mediumClassic')
+ parser.add_option('-p', '--pacman', dest='pacman',
+ help=default('the agent TYPE in the pacmanAgents module to use'),
+ metavar='TYPE', default='KeyboardAgent')
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--textGraphics', action='store_true', dest='textGraphics',
+ help='Display output as text only', default=False)
+ parser.add_option('-q', '--quietTextGraphics', action='store_true', dest='quietGraphics',
+ help='Generate minimal output and no graphics', default=False)
+ parser.add_option('-g', '--ghosts', dest='ghost',
+ help=default('the ghost agent TYPE in the ghostAgents module to use'),
+ metavar = 'TYPE', default='RandomGhost')
+ parser.add_option('-k', '--numghosts', type='int', dest='numGhosts',
+ help=default('The maximum number of ghosts to use'), default=4)
+ parser.add_option('-z', '--zoom', type='float', dest='zoom',
+ help=default('Zoom the size of the graphics window'), default=1.0)
+ parser.add_option('-f', '--fixRandomSeed', action='store_true', dest='fixRandomSeed',
+ help='Fixes the random seed to always play the same game', default=False)
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--recordActions', action='store_true', dest='record',
+ help='Writes game histories to a file (named by the time they were played)', default=False)
+ parser.add_option('--replay', dest='gameToReplay',
+ help='A recorded game file (pickle) to replay', default=None)
+ parser.add_option('-a','--agentArgs',dest='agentArgs',
+ help='Comma separated values sent to agent. e.g. "opt1=val1,opt2,opt3=val3"')
+ parser.add_option('-x', '--numTraining', dest='numTraining', type='int',
+ help=default('How many episodes are training (suppresses output)'), default=0)
+ parser.add_option('--frameTime', dest='frameTime', type='float',
+ help=default('Time to delay between frames; <0 means keyboard'), default=0.1)
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--catchExceptions', action='store_true', dest='catchExceptions',
+ help='Turns on exception handling and timeouts during games', default=False)
+ parser.add_option('--timeout', dest='timeout', type='int',
+ help=default('Maximum length of time an agent can spend computing in a single game'), default=30)
+ options, otherjunk = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if len(otherjunk) != 0:
+ raise Exception('Command line input not understood: ' + str(otherjunk))
+ args = dict()
+ # Fix the random seed
+ if options.fixRandomSeed: random.seed('cs188')
+ # Choose a layout
+ args['layout'] = layout.getLayout( options.layout )
+ if args['layout'] == None: raise Exception("The layout " + options.layout + " cannot be found")
+ # Choose a Pacman agent
+ noKeyboard = options.gameToReplay == None and (options.textGraphics or options.quietGraphics)
+ pacmanType = loadAgent(options.pacman, noKeyboard)
+ agentOpts = parseAgentArgs(options.agentArgs)
+ if options.numTraining > 0:
+ args['numTraining'] = options.numTraining
+ if 'numTraining' not in agentOpts: agentOpts['numTraining'] = options.numTraining
+ pacman = pacmanType(**agentOpts) # Instantiate Pacman with agentArgs
+ args['pacman'] = pacman
+ # Don't display training games
+ if 'numTrain' in agentOpts:
+ options.numQuiet = int(agentOpts['numTrain'])
+ options.numIgnore = int(agentOpts['numTrain'])
+ # Choose a ghost agent
+ ghostType = loadAgent(options.ghost, noKeyboard)
+ args['ghosts'] = [ghostType( i+1 ) for i in range( options.numGhosts )]
+ # Choose a display format
+ if options.quietGraphics:
+ import textDisplay
+ args['display'] = textDisplay.NullGraphics()
+ elif options.textGraphics:
+ import textDisplay
+ textDisplay.SLEEP_TIME = options.frameTime
+ args['display'] = textDisplay.PacmanGraphics()
+ else:
+ import graphicsDisplay
+ args['display'] = graphicsDisplay.PacmanGraphics(options.zoom, frameTime = options.frameTime)
+ args['numGames'] = options.numGames
+ args['record'] = options.record
+ args['catchExceptions'] = options.catchExceptions
+ args['timeout'] = options.timeout
+ # Special case: recorded games don't use the runGames method or args structure
+ if options.gameToReplay != None:
+ print 'Replaying recorded game %s.' % options.gameToReplay
+ import cPickle
+ f = open(options.gameToReplay)
+ try: recorded = cPickle.load(f)
+ finally: f.close()
+ recorded['display'] = args['display']
+ replayGame(**recorded)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return args
+def loadAgent(pacman, nographics):
+ # Looks through all pythonPath Directories for the right module,
+ pythonPathStr = os.path.expandvars("$PYTHONPATH")
+ if pythonPathStr.find(';') == -1:
+ pythonPathDirs = pythonPathStr.split(':')
+ else:
+ pythonPathDirs = pythonPathStr.split(';')
+ pythonPathDirs.append('.')
+ for moduleDir in pythonPathDirs:
+ if not os.path.isdir(moduleDir): continue
+ moduleNames = [f for f in os.listdir(moduleDir) if f.endswith('')]
+ for modulename in moduleNames:
+ try:
+ module = __import__(modulename[:-3])
+ except ImportError:
+ continue
+ if pacman in dir(module):
+ if nographics and modulename == '':
+ raise Exception('Using the keyboard requires graphics (not text display)')
+ return getattr(module, pacman)
+ raise Exception('The agent ' + pacman + ' is not specified in any *')
+def replayGame( layout, actions, display ):
+ import pacmanAgents, ghostAgents
+ rules = ClassicGameRules()
+ agents = [pacmanAgents.GreedyAgent()] + [ghostAgents.RandomGhost(i+1) for i in range(layout.getNumGhosts())]
+ game = rules.newGame( layout, agents[0], agents[1:], display )
+ state = game.state
+ display.initialize(
+ for action in actions:
+ # Execute the action
+ state = state.generateSuccessor( *action )
+ # Change the display
+ display.update( )
+ # Allow for game specific conditions (winning, losing, etc.)
+ rules.process(state, game)
+ display.finish()
+def runGames( layout, pacman, ghosts, display, numGames, record, numTraining = 0, catchExceptions=False, timeout=30 ):
+ import __main__
+ __main__.__dict__['_display'] = display
+ rules = ClassicGameRules(timeout)
+ games = []
+ for i in range( numGames ):
+ beQuiet = i < numTraining
+ if beQuiet:
+ # Suppress output and graphics
+ import textDisplay
+ gameDisplay = textDisplay.NullGraphics()
+ rules.quiet = True
+ else:
+ gameDisplay = display
+ rules.quiet = False
+ game = rules.newGame( layout, pacman, ghosts, gameDisplay, beQuiet, catchExceptions)
+ if not beQuiet: games.append(game)
+ if record:
+ import time, cPickle
+ fname = ('recorded-game-%d' % (i + 1)) + '-'.join([str(t) for t in time.localtime()[1:6]])
+ f = file(fname, 'w')
+ components = {'layout': layout, 'actions': game.moveHistory}
+ cPickle.dump(components, f)
+ f.close()
+ if (numGames-numTraining) > 0:
+ scores = [game.state.getScore() for game in games]
+ wins = [game.state.isWin() for game in games]
+ winRate = wins.count(True)/ float(len(wins))
+ print 'Average Score:', sum(scores) / float(len(scores))
+ print 'Scores: ', ', '.join([str(score) for score in scores])
+ print 'Win Rate: %d/%d (%.2f)' % (wins.count(True), len(wins), winRate)
+ print 'Record: ', ', '.join([ ['Loss', 'Win'][int(w)] for w in wins])
+ return games
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ """
+ The main function called when is run
+ from the command line:
+ > python
+ See the usage string for more details.
+ > python --help
+ """
+ args = readCommand( sys.argv[1:] ) # Get game components based on input
+ runGames( **args )
+ # import cProfile
+ #"runGames( **args )")
+ pass