path: root/Takeout/Keep/2020-06-29T21_55_46.212-05_00.json
blob: 452e53844516aa42c3512d2e2e6ffa06f032eb78 (plain)
{"color":"DEFAULT","isTrashed":false,"isPinned":false,"isArchived":false,"textContent":"I use \"big words\" not to sound smarter or more mysterious, but to better extract a feeling from myself and anyone who might read it. \n\nFor example if something is big, the word large does the minimum amount needed to describe something that is big.\n\nGargantuan give the same feeling but also protrays a feeling of of dress or might. \n\nWhile a word like ginormous does the former but instead injects the idea of a childlike awe or amazement.  \n\nHaving a larger vocabulary allows me to fully expel things like these intrusive insites and feel like I've actually moved what is in my head, out.\n\n#invasiveinsights ","title":"","userEditedTimestampUsec":1576748425636000,"createdTimestampUsec":1576747770879000,"labels":[{"name":"invasiveinsights"}]}