diff options
authorManlio Perillo <manlio.perillo@gmail.com>2023-05-19 15:28:20 +0200
committerManlio Perillo <manlio.perillo@gmail.com>2023-05-19 19:27:33 +0200
commit699f877bd51bc93717c76573a61a7b5598f1bd82 (patch)
parent282c50834a9b5945f920d3cb9514b2b203e04282 (diff)
build: remove `ZiglingStep.eval`
Remove the `ZiglingStep.eval` method and the src/ipc.zig source code. Use `Step.evalZigProcess`, instead. This greatly simplifies the code. Print the error messages and error bundle in `ZiglingStep.make`, both in case of error and success. Additionally, remove the `ZiglingStep.is_testing` field, since it is no longer necessary.
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/build.zig b/build.zig
index 46a260d..2e25217 100644
--- a/build.zig
+++ b/build.zig
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const compat = @import("src/compat.zig");
-const ipc = @import("src/ipc.zig");
const tests = @import("test/tests.zig");
const Build = compat.Build;
@@ -195,10 +194,6 @@ const ZiglingStep = struct {
work_path: []const u8,
mode: Mode,
- is_testing: bool = false,
- result_messages: []const u8 = "",
- result_error_bundle: std.zig.ErrorBundle = std.zig.ErrorBundle.empty,
pub fn create(
b: *Build,
exercise: Exercise,
@@ -232,6 +227,8 @@ const ZiglingStep = struct {
const exe_path = self.compile(prog_node) catch {
+ self.printErrors();
if (self.exercise.hint) |hint|
print("\n{s}Ziglings hint: {s}{s}", .{ bold_text, hint, reset_text });
@@ -240,12 +237,17 @@ const ZiglingStep = struct {
self.run(exe_path, prog_node) catch {
+ self.printErrors();
if (self.exercise.hint) |hint|
print("\n{s}Ziglings hint: {s}{s}", .{ bold_text, hint, reset_text });
+ // Print possible warning/debug messages.
+ self.printErrors();
fn run(self: *ZiglingStep, exe_path: []const u8, _: *std.Progress.Node) !void {
@@ -381,153 +383,7 @@ const ZiglingStep = struct {
zig_args.append("--listen=-") catch @panic("OOM");
- const argv = zig_args.items;
- var code: u8 = undefined;
- const exe_path = self.eval(argv, &code, prog_node) catch |err| {
- self.printErrors();
- switch (err) {
- error.FileNotFound => {
- print("{s}{s}: Unable to spawn the following command: file not found{s}\n", .{
- red_text, self.exercise.main_file, reset_text,
- });
- dumpArgs(argv);
- },
- error.ExitCodeFailure => {
- print("{s}{s}: The following command exited with error code {}:{s}\n", .{
- red_text, self.exercise.main_file, code, reset_text,
- });
- dumpArgs(argv);
- },
- error.ProcessTerminated => {
- print("{s}{s}: The following command terminated unexpectedly:{s}\n", .{
- red_text, self.exercise.main_file, reset_text,
- });
- dumpArgs(argv);
- },
- error.ZigIPCError => {
- // Commenting this out for now. It always shows up when compilation fails.
- //print("{s}{s}: The following command failed to communicate the compilation result:{s}\n", .{
- // red_text, self.exercise.main_file, reset_text,
- //});
- //dumpArgs(argv);
- },
- else => {
- print("{s}{s}: Unexpected error: {s}{s}\n", .{
- red_text, self.exercise.main_file, @errorName(err), reset_text,
- });
- dumpArgs(argv);
- },
- }
- return err;
- };
- self.printErrors();
- return exe_path;
- }
- // Code adapted from `std.Build.execAllowFail and `std.Build.Step.evalZigProcess`.
- pub fn eval(
- self: *ZiglingStep,
- argv: []const []const u8,
- out_code: *u8,
- prog_node: *std.Progress.Node,
- ) ![]const u8 {
- assert(argv.len != 0);
- const b = self.step.owner;
- const allocator = b.allocator;
- var child = Child.init(argv, allocator);
- child.env_map = b.env_map;
- child.stdin_behavior = .Pipe;
- child.stdout_behavior = .Pipe;
- child.stderr_behavior = .Pipe;
- try child.spawn();
- var poller = std.io.poll(allocator, enum { stdout, stderr }, .{
- .stdout = child.stdout.?,
- .stderr = child.stderr.?,
- });
- defer poller.deinit();
- try ipc.sendMessage(child.stdin.?, .update);
- try ipc.sendMessage(child.stdin.?, .exit);
- const Header = std.zig.Server.Message.Header;
- var result: ?[]const u8 = null;
- var node_name: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = .{};
- defer node_name.deinit(allocator);
- var sub_prog_node = prog_node.start("", 0);
- defer sub_prog_node.end();
- const stdout = poller.fifo(.stdout);
- poll: while (true) {
- while (stdout.readableLength() < @sizeOf(Header)) {
- if (!(try poller.poll())) break :poll;
- }
- const header = stdout.reader().readStruct(Header) catch unreachable;
- while (stdout.readableLength() < header.bytes_len) {
- if (!(try poller.poll())) break :poll;
- }
- const body = stdout.readableSliceOfLen(header.bytes_len);
- switch (header.tag) {
- .zig_version => {
- if (!std.mem.eql(u8, builtin.zig_version_string, body))
- return error.ZigVersionMismatch;
- },
- .error_bundle => {
- self.result_error_bundle = try ipc.parseErrorBundle(allocator, body);
- },
- .progress => {
- node_name.clearRetainingCapacity();
- try node_name.appendSlice(allocator, body);
- sub_prog_node.setName(node_name.items);
- },
- .emit_bin_path => {
- const emit_bin = try ipc.parseEmitBinPath(allocator, body);
- result = emit_bin.path;
- },
- else => {}, // ignore other messages
- }
- stdout.discard(body.len);
- }
- const stderr = poller.fifo(.stderr);
- if (stderr.readableLength() > 0) {
- self.result_messages = try stderr.toOwnedSlice();
- }
- // Send EOF to stdin.
- child.stdin.?.close();
- child.stdin = null;
- // Keep the errors compatible with std.Build.execAllowFail.
- const term = try child.wait();
- switch (term) {
- .Exited => |code| {
- if (code != 0) {
- out_code.* = @truncate(u8, code);
- return error.ExitCodeFailure;
- }
- },
- .Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => |code| {
- out_code.* = @truncate(u8, code);
- return error.ProcessTerminated;
- },
- }
- if (self.is_testing) {
- return "ok";
- }
- return result orelse return error.ZigIPCError;
+ return try self.step.evalZigProcess(zig_args.items, prog_node);
fn help(self: *ZiglingStep) void {
@@ -548,27 +404,25 @@ const ZiglingStep = struct {
fn printErrors(self: *ZiglingStep) void {
- // Print the additional log and verbose messages.
- // TODO: use colors?
- if (self.result_messages.len > 0) print("{s}", .{self.result_messages});
+ // Display error/warning messages.
+ if (self.step.result_error_msgs.items.len > 0) {
+ for (self.step.result_error_msgs.items) |msg| {
+ print("{s}error: {s}{s}\n", .{ red_text, reset_text, msg });
+ }
+ }
- // Print the compiler errors.
+ // Render compile errors at the bottom of the terminal.
// TODO: use the same ttyconf from the builder.
const ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config = if (use_color_escapes)
- if (self.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() > 0) {
- self.result_error_bundle.renderToStdErr(.{ .ttyconf = ttyconf });
+ if (self.step.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() > 0) {
+ self.step.result_error_bundle.renderToStdErr(.{ .ttyconf = ttyconf });
-fn dumpArgs(args: []const []const u8) void {
- for (args) |arg| print("{s} ", .{arg});
- print("\n", .{});
/// Clears the entire line and move the cursor to column zero.
/// Used for clearing the compiler and build_runner progress messages.
fn resetLine() void {
diff --git a/src/ipc.zig b/src/ipc.zig
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eaaa13..0000000
--- a/src/ipc.zig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/// Client side support for Zig IPC.
-const std = @import("std");
-const debug = std.debug;
-const fs = std.fs;
-const mem = std.mem;
-const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
-const Client = std.zig.Client;
-const ErrorBundle = std.zig.ErrorBundle;
-const Server = std.zig.Server;
-/// This data structure must be kept in sync with zig.Server.Message.EmitBinPath.
-const EmitBinPath = struct {
- flags: Flags,
- path: []const u8,
- pub const Flags = Server.Message.EmitBinPath.Flags;
- pub fn deinit(self: *EmitBinPath, allocator: Allocator) void {
- allocator.free(self.path);
- self.* = undefined;
- }
-pub fn parseErrorBundle(allocator: Allocator, data: []const u8) !ErrorBundle {
- const EbHdr = Server.Message.ErrorBundle;
- const eb_hdr = @ptrCast(*align(1) const EbHdr, data);
- const extra_bytes =
- data[@sizeOf(EbHdr)..][0 .. @sizeOf(u32) * eb_hdr.extra_len];
- const string_bytes =
- data[@sizeOf(EbHdr) + extra_bytes.len ..][0..eb_hdr.string_bytes_len];
- // TODO: use @ptrCast when the compiler supports it
- const unaligned_extra = std.mem.bytesAsSlice(u32, extra_bytes);
- const extra_array = try allocator.alloc(u32, unaligned_extra.len);
- // TODO: use @memcpy when it supports slices
- //
- // Don't use the "multi-object for loop" syntax, in
- // order to avoid a syntax error with old Zig compilers.
- var i: usize = 0;
- while (i < extra_array.len) : (i += 1) {
- extra_array[i] = unaligned_extra[i];
- }
- return .{
- .string_bytes = try allocator.dupe(u8, string_bytes),
- .extra = extra_array,
- };
-pub fn parseEmitBinPath(allocator: Allocator, data: []const u8) !EmitBinPath {
- const EbpHdr = Server.Message.EmitBinPath;
- const ebp_hdr = @ptrCast(*align(1) const EbpHdr, data);
- const path = try allocator.dupe(u8, data[@sizeOf(EbpHdr)..]);
- return .{
- .flags = ebp_hdr.flags,
- .path = path,
- };
-pub fn sendMessage(file: fs.File, tag: Client.Message.Tag) !void {
- const header: Client.Message.Header = .{
- .tag = tag,
- .bytes_len = 0,
- };
- try file.writeAll(mem.asBytes(&header));