path: root/
diff options
authorToby Vincent <>2021-08-31 13:16:22 -0500
committerToby Vincent <>2021-08-31 13:16:22 -0500
commitaf648f856bb1517449e4bae86b7e7f4e326c2268 (patch)
treec4313d2ce17462b4fd4987e1103172614c5387fe /
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80d3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# ----------------
+# Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for
+# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
+# solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
+# attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to
+# Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley.
+# The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero
+# ( and Dan Klein (
+# Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and
+# Pieter Abbeel (
+import sys
+import math
+import random
+import string
+import time
+import types
+import Tkinter
+import os.path
+_Windows = sys.platform == 'win32' # True if on Win95/98/NT
+_root_window = None # The root window for graphics output
+_canvas = None # The canvas which holds graphics
+_canvas_xs = None # Size of canvas object
+_canvas_ys = None
+_canvas_x = None # Current position on canvas
+_canvas_y = None
+_canvas_col = None # Current colour (set to black below)
+_canvas_tsize = 12
+_canvas_tserifs = 0
+def formatColor(r, g, b):
+ return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))
+def colorToVector(color):
+ return map(lambda x: int(x, 16) / 256.0, [color[1:3], color[3:5], color[5:7]])
+if _Windows:
+ _canvas_tfonts = ['times new roman', 'lucida console']
+ _canvas_tfonts = ['times', 'lucidasans-24']
+ pass # XXX need defaults here
+def sleep(secs):
+ global _root_window
+ if _root_window == None:
+ time.sleep(secs)
+ else:
+ _root_window.update_idletasks()
+ _root_window.after(int(1000 * secs), _root_window.quit)
+ _root_window.mainloop()
+def begin_graphics(width=640, height=480, color=formatColor(0, 0, 0), title=None):
+ global _root_window, _canvas, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _canvas_xs, _canvas_ys, _bg_color
+ # Check for duplicate call
+ if _root_window is not None:
+ # Lose the window.
+ _root_window.destroy()
+ # Save the canvas size parameters
+ _canvas_xs, _canvas_ys = width - 1, height - 1
+ _canvas_x, _canvas_y = 0, _canvas_ys
+ _bg_color = color
+ # Create the root window
+ _root_window = Tkinter.Tk()
+ _root_window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', _destroy_window)
+ _root_window.title(title or 'Graphics Window')
+ _root_window.resizable(0, 0)
+ # Create the canvas object
+ try:
+ _canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(_root_window, width=width, height=height)
+ _canvas.pack()
+ draw_background()
+ _canvas.update()
+ except:
+ _root_window = None
+ raise
+ # Bind to key-down and key-up events
+ _root_window.bind( "<KeyPress>", _keypress )
+ _root_window.bind( "<KeyRelease>", _keyrelease )
+ _root_window.bind( "<FocusIn>", _clear_keys )
+ _root_window.bind( "<FocusOut>", _clear_keys )
+ _root_window.bind( "<Button-1>", _leftclick )
+ _root_window.bind( "<Button-2>", _rightclick )
+ _root_window.bind( "<Button-3>", _rightclick )
+ _root_window.bind( "<Control-Button-1>", _ctrl_leftclick)
+ _clear_keys()
+_leftclick_loc = None
+_rightclick_loc = None
+_ctrl_leftclick_loc = None
+def _leftclick(event):
+ global _leftclick_loc
+ _leftclick_loc = (event.x, event.y)
+def _rightclick(event):
+ global _rightclick_loc
+ _rightclick_loc = (event.x, event.y)
+def _ctrl_leftclick(event):
+ global _ctrl_leftclick_loc
+ _ctrl_leftclick_loc = (event.x, event.y)
+def wait_for_click():
+ while True:
+ global _leftclick_loc
+ global _rightclick_loc
+ global _ctrl_leftclick_loc
+ if _leftclick_loc != None:
+ val = _leftclick_loc
+ _leftclick_loc = None
+ return val, 'left'
+ if _rightclick_loc != None:
+ val = _rightclick_loc
+ _rightclick_loc = None
+ return val, 'right'
+ if _ctrl_leftclick_loc != None:
+ val = _ctrl_leftclick_loc
+ _ctrl_leftclick_loc = None
+ return val, 'ctrl_left'
+ sleep(0.05)
+def draw_background():
+ corners = [(0,0), (0, _canvas_ys), (_canvas_xs, _canvas_ys), (_canvas_xs, 0)]
+ polygon(corners, _bg_color, fillColor=_bg_color, filled=True, smoothed=False)
+def _destroy_window(event=None):
+ sys.exit(0)
+# global _root_window
+# _root_window.destroy()
+# _root_window = None
+ #print "DESTROY"
+def end_graphics():
+ global _root_window, _canvas, _mouse_enabled
+ try:
+ try:
+ sleep(1)
+ if _root_window != None:
+ _root_window.destroy()
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ print 'Ending graphics raised an exception:', e
+ finally:
+ _root_window = None
+ _canvas = None
+ _mouse_enabled = 0
+ _clear_keys()
+def clear_screen(background=None):
+ global _canvas_x, _canvas_y
+ _canvas.delete('all')
+ draw_background()
+ _canvas_x, _canvas_y = 0, _canvas_ys
+def polygon(coords, outlineColor, fillColor=None, filled=1, smoothed=1, behind=0, width=1):
+ c = []
+ for coord in coords:
+ c.append(coord[0])
+ c.append(coord[1])
+ if fillColor == None: fillColor = outlineColor
+ if filled == 0: fillColor = ""
+ poly = _canvas.create_polygon(c, outline=outlineColor, fill=fillColor, smooth=smoothed, width=width)
+ if behind > 0:
+ _canvas.tag_lower(poly, behind) # Higher should be more visible
+ return poly
+def square(pos, r, color, filled=1, behind=0):
+ x, y = pos
+ coords = [(x - r, y - r), (x + r, y - r), (x + r, y + r), (x - r, y + r)]
+ return polygon(coords, color, color, filled, 0, behind=behind)
+def circle(pos, r, outlineColor, fillColor, endpoints=None, style='pieslice', width=2):
+ x, y = pos
+ x0, x1 = x - r - 1, x + r
+ y0, y1 = y - r - 1, y + r
+ if endpoints == None:
+ e = [0, 359]
+ else:
+ e = list(endpoints)
+ while e[0] > e[1]: e[1] = e[1] + 360
+ return _canvas.create_arc(x0, y0, x1, y1, outline=outlineColor, fill=fillColor,
+ extent=e[1] - e[0], start=e[0], style=style, width=width)
+def image(pos, file="../../blueghost.gif"):
+ x, y = pos
+ # img = PhotoImage(file=file)
+ return _canvas.create_image(x, y, image = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=file), anchor = Tkinter.NW)
+def refresh():
+ _canvas.update_idletasks()
+def moveCircle(id, pos, r, endpoints=None):
+ global _canvas_x, _canvas_y
+ x, y = pos
+# x0, x1 = x - r, x + r + 1
+# y0, y1 = y - r, y + r + 1
+ x0, x1 = x - r - 1, x + r
+ y0, y1 = y - r - 1, y + r
+ if endpoints == None:
+ e = [0, 359]
+ else:
+ e = list(endpoints)
+ while e[0] > e[1]: e[1] = e[1] + 360
+ if os.path.isfile('flag'):
+ edit(id, ('extent', e[1] - e[0]))
+ else:
+ edit(id, ('start', e[0]), ('extent', e[1] - e[0]))
+ move_to(id, x0, y0)
+def edit(id, *args):
+ _canvas.itemconfigure(id, **dict(args))
+def text(pos, color, contents, font='Helvetica', size=12, style='normal', anchor="nw"):
+ global _canvas_x, _canvas_y
+ x, y = pos
+ font = (font, str(size), style)
+ return _canvas.create_text(x, y, fill=color, text=contents, font=font, anchor=anchor)
+def changeText(id, newText, font=None, size=12, style='normal'):
+ _canvas.itemconfigure(id, text=newText)
+ if font != None:
+ _canvas.itemconfigure(id, font=(font, '-%d' % size, style))
+def changeColor(id, newColor):
+ _canvas.itemconfigure(id, fill=newColor)
+def line(here, there, color=formatColor(0, 0, 0), width=2):
+ x0, y0 = here[0], here[1]
+ x1, y1 = there[0], there[1]
+ return _canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, width=width)
+### Keypress handling ########################################################
+# We bind to key-down and key-up events.
+_keysdown = {}
+_keyswaiting = {}
+# This holds an unprocessed key release. We delay key releases by up to
+# one call to keys_pressed() to get round a problem with auto repeat.
+_got_release = None
+def _keypress(event):
+ global _got_release
+ #remap_arrows(event)
+ _keysdown[event.keysym] = 1
+ _keyswaiting[event.keysym] = 1
+# print event.char, event.keycode
+ _got_release = None
+def _keyrelease(event):
+ global _got_release
+ #remap_arrows(event)
+ try:
+ del _keysdown[event.keysym]
+ except:
+ pass
+ _got_release = 1
+def remap_arrows(event):
+ if event.char in ['a', 's', 'd', 'w']:
+ return
+ if event.keycode in [37, 101]: # LEFT ARROW (win / x)
+ event.char = 'a'
+ if event.keycode in [38, 99]: # UP ARROW
+ event.char = 'w'
+ if event.keycode in [39, 102]: # RIGHT ARROW
+ event.char = 'd'
+ if event.keycode in [40, 104]: # DOWN ARROW
+ event.char = 's'
+def _clear_keys(event=None):
+ global _keysdown, _got_release, _keyswaiting
+ _keysdown = {}
+ _keyswaiting = {}
+ _got_release = None
+def keys_pressed(d_o_e=Tkinter.tkinter.dooneevent,
+ d_w=Tkinter.tkinter.DONT_WAIT):
+ d_o_e(d_w)
+ if _got_release:
+ d_o_e(d_w)
+ return _keysdown.keys()
+def keys_waiting():
+ global _keyswaiting
+ keys = _keyswaiting.keys()
+ _keyswaiting = {}
+ return keys
+# Block for a list of keys...
+def wait_for_keys():
+ keys = []
+ while keys == []:
+ keys = keys_pressed()
+ sleep(0.05)
+ return keys
+def remove_from_screen(x,
+ d_o_e=Tkinter.tkinter.dooneevent,
+ d_w=Tkinter.tkinter.DONT_WAIT):
+ _canvas.delete(x)
+ d_o_e(d_w)
+def _adjust_coords(coord_list, x, y):
+ for i in range(0, len(coord_list), 2):
+ coord_list[i] = coord_list[i] + x
+ coord_list[i + 1] = coord_list[i + 1] + y
+ return coord_list
+def move_to(object, x, y=None,
+ d_o_e=Tkinter.tkinter.dooneevent,
+ d_w=Tkinter.tkinter.DONT_WAIT):
+ if y is None:
+ try: x, y = x
+ except: raise 'incomprehensible coordinates'
+ horiz = True
+ newCoords = []
+ current_x, current_y = _canvas.coords(object)[0:2] # first point
+ for coord in _canvas.coords(object):
+ if horiz:
+ inc = x - current_x
+ else:
+ inc = y - current_y
+ horiz = not horiz
+ newCoords.append(coord + inc)
+ _canvas.coords(object, *newCoords)
+ d_o_e(d_w)
+def move_by(object, x, y=None,
+ d_o_e=Tkinter.tkinter.dooneevent,
+ d_w=Tkinter.tkinter.DONT_WAIT, lift=False):
+ if y is None:
+ try: x, y = x
+ except: raise Exception, 'incomprehensible coordinates'
+ horiz = True
+ newCoords = []
+ for coord in _canvas.coords(object):
+ if horiz:
+ inc = x
+ else:
+ inc = y
+ horiz = not horiz
+ newCoords.append(coord + inc)
+ _canvas.coords(object, *newCoords)
+ d_o_e(d_w)
+ if lift:
+ _canvas.tag_raise(object)
+def writePostscript(filename):
+ "Writes the current canvas to a postscript file."
+ psfile = file(filename, 'w')
+ psfile.write(_canvas.postscript(pageanchor='sw',
+ y='0.c',
+ x='0.c'))
+ psfile.close()
+ghost_shape = [
+ (0, - 0.5),
+ (0.25, - 0.75),
+ (0.5, - 0.5),
+ (0.75, - 0.75),
+ (0.75, 0.5),
+ (0.5, 0.75),
+ (- 0.5, 0.75),
+ (- 0.75, 0.5),
+ (- 0.75, - 0.75),
+ (- 0.5, - 0.5),
+ (- 0.25, - 0.75)
+ ]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ begin_graphics()
+ clear_screen()
+ ghost_shape = [(x * 10 + 20, y * 10 + 20) for x, y in ghost_shape]
+ g = polygon(ghost_shape, formatColor(1, 1, 1))
+ move_to(g, (50, 50))
+ circle((150, 150), 20, formatColor(0.7, 0.3, 0.0), endpoints=[15, - 15])
+ sleep(2)