path: root/test_cases/q1
diff options
authorToby Vincent <>2021-08-31 13:16:22 -0500
committerToby Vincent <>2021-08-31 13:16:22 -0500
commitaf648f856bb1517449e4bae86b7e7f4e326c2268 (patch)
treec4313d2ce17462b4fd4987e1103172614c5387fe /test_cases/q1
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'test_cases/q1')
11 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/CONFIG b/test_cases/q1/CONFIG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad7e38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/CONFIG
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+max_points: "3"
+class: "PassAllTestsQuestion"
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.solution b/test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52850c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.solution
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This is the solution file for test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.test.
+# This solution is designed to support both right-to-left
+# and left-to-right implementations.
+solution: "1:A->C 0:C->G"
+expanded_states: "A D C"
+rev_solution: "1:A->C 0:C->G"
+rev_expanded_states: "A B C"
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.test b/test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05640a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_backtrack.test
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+class: "GraphSearchTest"
+algorithm: "depthFirstSearch"
+diagram: """
+ B
+ ^
+ |
+*A --> C --> G
+ |
+ V
+ D
+A is the start state, G is the goal. Arrows mark
+possible state transitions. This tests whether
+you extract the sequence of actions correctly even
+if your search backtracks. If you fail this, your
+nodes are not correctly tracking the sequences of
+actions required to reach them.
+# The following section specifies the search problem and the solution.
+# The graph is specified by first the set of start states, followed by
+# the set of goal states, and lastly by the state transitions which are
+# of the form:
+# <start state> <actions> <end state> <cost>
+graph: """
+start_state: A
+goal_states: G
+A 0:A->B B 1.0
+A 1:A->C C 2.0
+A 2:A->D D 4.0
+C 0:C->G G 8.0
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.solution b/test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0680f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.solution
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This is the solution file for test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test.
+# This solution is designed to support both right-to-left
+# and left-to-right implementations.
+solution: "2:A->D 0:D->G"
+expanded_states: "A D"
+rev_solution: "0:A->B 0:B->D 0:D->G"
+rev_expanded_states: "A B D"
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test b/test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..155e1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Graph where BFS finds the optimal solution but DFS does not
+class: "GraphSearchTest"
+algorithm: "depthFirstSearch"
+diagram: """
+/-- B
+| ^
+| |
+| *A -->[G]
+| | ^
+| V |
+\-->D ----/
+A is the start state, G is the goal. Arrows
+mark possible transitions
+# The following section specifies the search problem and the solution.
+# The graph is specified by first the set of start states, followed by
+# the set of goal states, and lastly by the state transitions which are
+# of the form:
+# <start state> <actions> <end state> <cost>
+graph: """
+start_state: A
+goal_states: G
+A 0:A->B B 1.0
+A 1:A->G G 2.0
+A 2:A->D D 4.0
+B 0:B->D D 8.0
+D 0:D->G G 16.0
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.solution b/test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82203ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.solution
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This is the solution file for test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.test.
+# This solution is designed to support both right-to-left
+# and left-to-right implementations.
+solution: "0:A->B 1:B->C 1:C->G"
+expanded_states: "A B C"
+rev_solution: "0:A->B 1:B->C 1:C->G"
+rev_expanded_states: "A B C"
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.test b/test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692ac05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_infinite.test
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Graph where natural action choice leads to an infinite loop
+class: "GraphSearchTest"
+algorithm: "depthFirstSearch"
+diagram: """
+ B <--> C
+ ^ /|
+ | / |
+ V / V
+*A<-/ [G]
+A is the start state, G is the goal. Arrows mark
+possible state transitions.
+# The following section specifies the search problem and the solution.
+# The graph is specified by first the set of start states, followed by
+# the set of goal states, and lastly by the state transitions which are
+# of the form:
+# <start state> <actions> <end state> <cost>
+graph: """
+start_state: A
+goal_states: G
+A 0:A->B B 1.0
+B 0:B->A A 2.0
+B 1:B->C C 4.0
+C 0:C->A A 8.0
+C 1:C->G G 16.0
+C 2:C->B B 32.0
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.solution b/test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34b5a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.solution
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This is the solution file for test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.test.
+# This solution is designed to support both right-to-left
+# and left-to-right implementations.
+solution: "2:A->B2 0:B2->C 0:C->D 2:D->E2 0:E2->F 0:F->G"
+expanded_states: "A B2 C D E2 F"
+rev_solution: "0:A->B1 0:B1->C 0:C->D 0:D->E1 0:E1->F 0:F->G"
+rev_expanded_states: "A B1 C D E1 F"
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.test b/test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953c4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/graph_manypaths.test
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+class: "GraphSearchTest"
+algorithm: "depthFirstSearch"
+diagram: """
+ B1 E1
+ ^ \ ^ \
+ / V / V
+*A --> C --> D --> F --> [G]
+ \ ^ \ ^
+ V / V /
+ B2 E2
+A is the start state, G is the goal. Arrows mark
+possible state transitions. This graph has multiple
+paths to the goal, where nodes with the same state
+are added to the fringe multiple times before they
+are expanded.
+# The following section specifies the search problem and the solution.
+# The graph is specified by first the set of start states, followed by
+# the set of goal states, and lastly by the state transitions which are
+# of the form:
+# <start state> <actions> <end state> <cost>
+graph: """
+start_state: A
+goal_states: G
+A 0:A->B1 B1 1.0
+A 1:A->C C 2.0
+A 2:A->B2 B2 4.0
+B1 0:B1->C C 8.0
+B2 0:B2->C C 16.0
+C 0:C->D D 32.0
+D 0:D->E1 E1 64.0
+D 1:D->F F 128.0
+D 2:D->E2 E2 256.0
+E1 0:E1->F F 512.0
+E2 0:E2->F F 1024.0
+F 0:F->G G 2048.0
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/pacman_1.solution b/test_cases/q1/pacman_1.solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a670c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/pacman_1.solution
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This is the solution file for test_cases/q1/pacman_1.test.
+# This solution is designed to support both right-to-left
+# and left-to-right implementations.
+# Number of nodes expanded must be with a factor of 1.0 of the numbers below.
+solution: """
+West West West West West West West West West West West West West West
+West West West West West West West West West West West West West West
+West West West West West South South South South South South South
+South South East East East North North North North North North North
+East East South South South South South South East East North North
+North North North North East East South South South South East East
+North North East East East East East East East East South South South
+East East East East East East East South South South South South South
+South West West West West West West West West West West West West West
+West West West West South West West West West West West West West West
+expanded_nodes: "146"
+rev_solution: """
+South South West West West West South South East East East East South
+South West West West West South South East East East East South South
+West West West West South South South East North East East East South
+South South West West West West West West West North North North North
+North North North North West West West West West West West North North
+North East East East East South East East East North North North West
+West North North West West West West West West West West West West
+West West West West West West West West West West West West West West
+South South South South South South South South South East East East
+North North North North North North North East East South South South
+South South South East East North North North North North North East
+East South South South South East East North North North North East
+East East East East South South West West West South South East East
+East South South West West West West West West South South West West
+West West West South West West West West West South South East East
+East East East East East North East East East East East North North
+East East East East East East North East East East East East South
+South West West West South West West West West West West South South
+West West West West West South West West West West West West West West
+rev_expanded_nodes: "269"
diff --git a/test_cases/q1/pacman_1.test b/test_cases/q1/pacman_1.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ae5412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_cases/q1/pacman_1.test
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This is a basic depth first search test
+class: "PacmanSearchTest"
+algorithm: "depthFirstSearch"
+# The following specifies the layout to be used
+layoutName: "mediumMaze"
+layout: """
+% P%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %
+% %% % % %%%%%%% %% %
+% %% % % % % %%%% %%%%%%%%% %% %%%%%
+% %% % % % % %% %% %
+% %% % % % % % %%%% %%% %%%%%% %
+% % % % % % %% %%%%%%%% %
+% %% % % %%%%%%%% %% %% %%%%%
+% %% % %% %%%%%%%%% %% %
+% %%%%%% %%%%%%% %% %%%%%% %
+%%%%%% % %%%% %% % %
+% %%%%%% %%%%% % %% %% %%%%%
+% %%%%%% % %%%%% %% %
+% %%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %
+%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% %
+%. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %